"Bring up a child in the way he should go and when he is old, he will not depart from it" Proverbs 22:6
Ms. Dana loves the quote “A good teacher will show their students where to look, but won't tell them what to see”. Her hope is to be the kind of teacher to spark imagination in her students along with teaching them the basics.
"The most important part is teaching them about Jesus and watching Him and His love come alive for them."
Ms Dana has lived in New Albany since age 4 and has been a member at Grace Lutheran Church that whole time. She has two wonderful grown kids who both attended the preschool.
She has worked at the preschool for the last five years as a 3s teacher and as a teacher's aide in both 3s and 4s classes.
God has truly blessed our preschool with a wonderful and caring staff, which she is so thankful to be a part of.
She is excited to plant the seeds of God's love in her classroom and see how the children grow along with the seeds of learning that will also be growing and blossoming throughout the year.