"Bring up a child in the way he should go and when he is old, he will not depart from it" Proverbs 22:6
Mrs. Lane came to Grace Lutheran 8 years ago as an assistant. She immediately knew her heart was in the right place. She took on more classes and eventually had the opportunity to teach our 2’s class. She remained there until an unforeseen change in staff happened. This is when she became our school secretary.
Mrs. Lane encounters most families in the school office. As secretary, she handles any and all needs of our parents and students. For new families; she assists with the registration process from the initial visit to their first
day of school. For current families; she answers questions, eases concerns and takes care of the daily needs of the school. All this being done while she greets each child and family with a big “good morning” and a smile on her face. She enjoys when the kids come in the office to visit “Missus Wane”.
Along with her secretary duties, she teaches a 4’s Enrichment class, Co-chairs Winter Wonderland Dinner and Auction and is Chairperson for our Santa Breakfast. In the classroom you may hear her saying “kiss your brain” when the students know something she is asking. Her teaching style is encouraging, positive and patient. One of her most favorite things about preschool is hearing the kids sing. “Gives me all the feels”.
Mrs. Lane has the school at the forefront of her mind at all times. She is a HUGE asset to staff as well as families. She is busy and upbeat. Often she can be heard going down the hall whistling a tune. One little girl nicknamed her “the whisaluh”. She is known around the office as the energizer bunny. Mrs. Lane is constantly ready to take on a challenge and she doesn’t stop until it is completed. She is ALWAYS willing to go the extra step.
The staff appreciates her dedication to Grace Lutheran. She is continually looking at how things work and how to make them work better. Grace Lutheran is blessed to have Mrs. Lane as a part of it.