Our teachers are going to a conference in Indianapolis on Thursday and Friday, March 4 and 5 to learn new and innovative ways to educate your children. We will not have classes while they are away.
Jungle John or Safari Steve will come visit our school on Monday, March 4 and Tuesday, March 5 from 10:45am to 11:45am. All parents, grandparents, siblings or friends are invited to join us! Come learn about all the animals they bring! Your child will come to class at the regular time, feel free to come back around 10:45am.
Grace Lutheran School has 3 Fish Frys- Fridays, March 1, 8 and April 12. Look a flyer in your child’s backpack and save the dates! Meals include fish with side items and a child’s option of a hot dog. Please consider helping.. There are multiple ways to help including working in the kitchen or dining room, set up, clean up or donating food items such as desserts. Sign-up sheets will be posted near the school office For more information contact the school office.
We will be collecting monies for the Romanian children on February 19 and 20. The children will bring in their banks that they made back in October. After the they have emptied their banks they will be able to go through the obstacle course set up for Forget-Me-Not Ministries day. Thank you and know each contribution, no matter how large or small is a way to show your love of the Lord to your children and to all those that you help.