Grace Lutheran Preschool's 20th Annual Winter Wonderland Dinner and Auction will be held Saturday, November 16, 2019. This fundraiser is attended by our preschool parents, Grace Lutheran Church members as well as members of our community. All funds raised at this event benefit the school and your child! Please consider donating to your class basket. click the link above for themes and ideas.
Our before and after services are being underutilized and that has made it necessary to make some changes. If you know that you will need before or aftercare services you will need to fill out a calendar at the beginning of each month and pre-pay for each day contracted. If you are in need of these services, please pick up a calendar in the school office. Mark the days you need care and return with pre-payment. If you need care at the last minute, you will need to call the office and ensure that we have staff available. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause but there is no other way we can continue to have before and aftercare. Thank you for making these changes with us as we attempt to accommodate everyone's schedule.
The children have been learning new songs to sing at the 10:30 service on Sunday, October 27. We would love to see you on that Sunday and give your child the opportunity to join us in lifting our voices in praise. We understand you may have responsibilities at your home church but we sincerely hope you can join us!
Check your child’s class calendar to see when their Halloween/Fall Fun Day will be observed. Children can wear a Halloween costume but please consider the following; no overly scary costumes, no weapons, no small parts that could be lost and one that is easily taken off and on. If you have questions, please ask your teacher.
Our Twentieth Fall Festival was a great success because of you! Thank you to Mrs. Diana Warren who did a great job as our chair person and to all who helped set up, tear down, run the games, cook the food and basically made sure everyone had a great time.
We have started collecting items for our class baskets, ask your teacher for more information. If you own or know of a business who may be able to donate please let us know. In-kind and ad sponsorship are welcome!
Grace Lutheran Preschool's 20th Annual Winter Wonderland Dinner and Auction will be held Saturday, November 16, 2019. All funds raised at this event benefit the school!! Tickets will be available soon.